Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In Times Of Need, Consult The Artistic Vomit (Ready, Set, Puke!)

I have been without inspiration for a while, but no worries! I have overcome my obstacle. But first, an apology is in order. I am sorry to anyone whom I complained to about being tired and not knowing what to do with myself. Because it is all over now! For a little bit, at least. As soon as I drew a picture with Isaac and Kelsey, my inspiration was flowing through my veins once again. And the Artistic Vomit helped me through a lot too of course. It was conceived on that very day...and I gave birth to it with the picture that is now on Isaac's wall next to the door.
Currently, the Artistic Vomit is living within us all, just waiting to be projected into a garbage can or a toilet or even onto a painting. And those carrots you ate yesterday for supper couldn't hurt, they just add texture!
So everyone, I implore you, allow the Artistic Vomit to cleanse you. How? Find a comfortable space, preferably not carpet. Stand at least one metre away from your AV Buddy(AV Buddies are strongly recommended). Place a piece of paper or canvas in front of both of you. And now, the fun begins!! Ready, Set, Puke!

Artistically yours,
The Green Child of Texture

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