Wednesday, September 10, 2008

An Aquamarine Blue Boy

What would it be like if there were an Aquamarine Blue Boy? And a Violet Villain? Or perhaps even a Golden Girl? These questions and many more play across all of our minds from time to time, and today these characters just happened to waltz into mine.
Yes, I realize it is only 11:58 am, a little early to be thinking about Violet Villains and such, but it has got to be 8:00 somewhere. I also realize that you broke a date with a daydream in order to read this little write-up of mine, so I will try to entertain you with my thoughts on this matter.
First of all, I must emphasize this important fact on the issue: these people are real. For you see, I do not waste my precious time speaking of children of the rainbow who do not exist. In fact, quite the opposite. And let me be the first to point out, Rose Ringleaders are not real. At least, not in any rainbows I can see.
Myths and legends have been told about rainbows in the past years, but I am here to tell you that most of them are untrue. What I speak is no word of a lie.
These people exist, just like you and I do. However, they prefer not to see us most of the time. If you are wondering why, just take a look at the crazy antics of our human race. Why, some of us are so close-minded that we actually care what colour others are.
So please take it upon yourselves to do a rain dance today to appease the children of the rainbow.